Saturday, May 4, 2013


Assalamualaikum, n hai korang,,!
How did u guys hve been?hope sihat hendaknye..? *skema betul ayat
Hermm,,dh lama x luahkan isi hati kat blog ni,,
Btw, 4/4/2013 yg lepas,,is my birthday!yey! *xpyh nk excited sgt fatin, dah lepas pn
Hehe,,it’s the happiest day ever!
Because, it’s my first time,,my bestfriends celebrate my own birthday at school,, *weeheee!
Actually, x sngke lngsung pn, yg syafiqah & nabilah *my BFF nk smbut birthday fatin..
Sblom birthday, diaorg asyik tnye fatin je,, this were our conversation,
BFF - “fatin, awk nk ape mse hari jadi awak?”
Fatin - “kita x nk papelah, yg penting korang sentiasa ada dgn kita”
BFF – “erghhh,,poyo,,haha.cakaplah betul2,awk nk ape?”
Fatin – “memandangkan korang dh paksa, er,, iPhone5 bole?”
Nabilah -  “haaaa,,,itu minta syafiqah, eh fatin. Dia bnyk duit”
Syafiqah – “bolehh,,no hal. Nnti aq g kedai dua ringgit, aq belikan”
Hahaha,, siot je kan diorang ni, but , memang fatin x kesah pn xde hadiah, x celebrate birthday.
Sbb fatin pn dh besar,,
Then, mse hari jadi fatin,dtg sk.tgk syafiqah bwk bnyk brg.fatin x tnyelah, myb syafiqah bwk bnyk buku *dia mmg suka bwk setiap buku yg ade dlm jadual wktu,rajinlah tu
Lps tu, nabilah ckp, dia bwk bnyk mknn untk fatin smbut birthday memandangkan diaorg x de hadiah nk bagii.fatin x kesah, so, ckp ok. fatin mmg suka makan.. \(^_^)/
Lps kelas bio, diaorang cpt2 g kelas amek beg yg “penuh” dgn mknn tu, g dkt tmpt yg kitaorg sllu makan, cpt betul diaorg jalan masa tu,,fatin just jalan lmbt sikitlh,,sbb penat, dari lab bio g kelas lps tu g kat pondok sllu kitaorg makn,,penat! L
Bila fatin smpi je,tgk2 diaorg keluarkn kotak,tgk je, kek! Diaorg siap pasangkan lilin lagi, no 17 since im 17 years old now! Officially form 5 student!heeee *SPM >.<
Apa lagi, dgn x malunye fatin, tiup lilin.tgh mkn ni,, tetibe kene calit ngn krim kek kat pipi,, yeahh! *mmg best
Then, diaorg keluarkn smthing dr beg ,n u know what! I got a watch! Cantik gila! It’s the best day ever!!!!!
Thanks kat diaorg, sbb dlm fatin sedih2because of someone that broken my heart, they brings my happiness back. It is the best abruptly birthday party ever..! thanks to SYAFIQAH &NABILAH!
LOVE BOTH OF YOU TO THE MAX! *mmmmmmuuuuuuuuaaaahhhhhh

birthday cake from my BFF

birthday present from them :')

My BFF Syafiqah & Nabilah

That’s all, thanks for reading,, J bye!

Monday, December 17, 2012

studying time!

Ehem2!! Hye hye hye!!! Assalamualaikum :)
korang ape khabar??? Sihat2 kan?? Jgn sakit2 yeee , heheeee
ok! Hari nii, fatin buat entry pasal study??? Study lah sgttt,, hehe
again FNS ! ktorg study sme2 kt library UTM since nabilah’s mum ade kelas kt situ hari tu,, :D
b4 that, ktorg g Jusco Tmn U,, g makan n jalan2 beli smthng,,

after that, kita org g UTM,, budak2 U mse tu baru habis smbhyg Jumaat.
so, ktorg dbawa ronda2 kt dlm U tu oleh mak nabilah before g solat..
boleh tahan besar u tu,. Ada kuda lagiii :D
lps tuu, ktorg g lah solat,, masa tu,, perghh mcm bengang je,, yelaa tetibe, ktorang yg budak form 4 masuk U dyorg,, tpi mak nabilah kata buat xtahu jee,, hehe
lps dh solat sumee, g amek beg nk g library dy pulakk,, ramai gler kt luar mse tuu,, nk msuk library tu buat muka selamba jeeeee.. kene lah berlagak jadi budak u japp,, hihi XD
Sejuk gler lib dy! So, ape lagi jalankan operasi membuat homework, fatin kene tolong dyorang buat folio BIOLOGY . adelah jugak sentuh hw fizik. Fuhh! Bnyk beb!
lpas tu,, ktorg dh penat buat tu sume,, simpan, g solat then ronda2 kt dlm U tu,,
penat gler!!! Mcm mnelah dyorang boleh jalan kaki g kelas kan,, boleh kurus!! Haha

lps mak nabilah dh hbis kelas , blik lahhh, b4 that, singgah pam minyak g drive thru mcD,,
mak nabilah belanja mcD, so, fatin beli double cheeseburger,,
kepada nabilahh, kalau awak baca entry nii,, kite nk say thanks kat awk n mak awkk sbb dh slalu sgt belanja kita ngn syafiqah! :’D

so,, that’s all . best sgt2! Even skjp je hang ngn dyorg,, :)
hope in the future , we can study until get to get in university , ok ayat dah merapuu hehe XD
so, SPM we have to do the best among the best! 10A+ ! insyaAllah! Amin!
ok, bye! Assalamualaikumm,,