Friday, July 1, 2011

I Love U !

hye,,, em,, tajuk ary ny,, i love u.... y????
hehehe.....x de lah,, saje je,,,, actually,,, fatin teringin nk ckp perkataan ny,,, kat dua org yg fatin cintai,,, nk tahu,,, my parents !! but,,, malu,,, korg pn mesty malu,,, nk ckp this word kat ur parents,, right ????  ha,,,!! same la ngan fatin,, huhuhu... lpas parents ,, this words i want to say,, to my beloved siblings,,, hehehe.....but,,, still malu,,, huhuhu.... n,, lastly,, i wan to say it to somebody i love,,,, ala,,,, u all mesty tau nye kan2??? hehhehee... to u all nye boy ,,,hehe... but,, i still single ouk,,,, hehehe.... ble nk ckp perkataan ny,,, kat org yg korg cintai ye,,, huhuhu.... fatin teringin gler nk ckp,,,, but,,, malu,,,

btw,,, tdi,, kat skolah,,,, mse ceramah isra' dan mikraj kat skula,,,, fatin nmpk _ _ _ _ _ ,, heheh.... sape tu ??? biarlah rahsia.... hahaha... ala,,, somebody yg sgt sweet jek.... but,,, x de lah smpi _ _  _ _ dye..... we still have something to achieve,,, isn't ?? i wan to achieve my dream first,,, barulah,, bole pkir pasal couple2 ny,,, btol dak?? hahaha..... em,,, k la,,, saje je meluahkan perasaan ckit,,, hahah...k la,,, mau buat kad birthday,,, 4 my mom,,, her birthday,, is 2morrow !!! hope she will get bles from Allah,,, Amin.... love u very much,, mom !!!!! always eppy !!! huhuhu.....


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