Friday, June 29, 2012

♥ FNS ♥

Assalamualaikum,,,n gud morning korg!
korg pe kbr eyh??hope sume sihat sihat ye! ok,,dh lme gler xupdate blog,,! hihihi,,, serious mls gler!
ok,,back to the main topic,, korg nmpk x,,the title for this post???,, ofcoz lah nmpk kn?? it is FNS,,! 
oke,,,mesti tertnye tnye,,, FNS??what is that??!! haha! oke oke,,
setiap huruf FNS adlh singktn kpd nme ahli grup ktorg,,,

F stand for Fatin (it is me ofcoz!)
N stand for Nabilah,,

S stand for Syafiqah!

oh,, kite syg dye sgt sgt!! dye sllu support kite ble kite down,,
dye ni,,baik sgt sgt tau!!! ble jln jln bertige jek,, dye mesti blnje ktorg smthng! rse mlu ble dye je yg

asyik blnje,,, huhuhu!thnks Nabilah,,,♥
Nabilah ni,,kadg kadg klo dye mrh,,mmg kite tkot sgt! tpy,,,kite dh fhm dye,,so, kite xkn tkot lagi ble dye tgh mrh! hehehehe,,,, :D SHE'S VERY CREATIVE person! dye pndi lukis tau! cntik sgt! Nabilah ni,,dye comel tau!! dye tembam sgt! mcm kite,,haha! soryy,,, heeeee,,,, 



dye ni,,,mmg lawak gler!!! seriously,,,kalo satu hari dye xbuat org ketawa,,,mmg sume akn pelik!
mne xnye,,,hari hari buat lwk,, ble dye ckp,,bole buat org ketawa gler gler beb! hahaha

dye ni,,pndi,,, ble xtahu smthng dye akn ajr kite,,, dye baik mcm nabilah,,, :)
die ni,,,mmg minat gler ngn yonghwa,,ape ape je yg kite org ckp,,dye mesti kene relatekn ngn nme yonghwa,, hehe,,,,nk tau x,,syafiqah ni,,tinggi!!! kite suke mrh dye,,sbb dye tnggi sgt!!! huaaaa!!!
tpi,,,kwn ,jgn dpilih,,kalo dye baik, bole buat kite gelak setiap hari, slalu support kite,, tu pon dh ckup,,, 


oke,,kesimpulannye,,,dorg memang superb ar!! syg dorg sgt sgt!!! sme mcm sye syg kwn kwn yg kt SMK TASEK UTARA ♥ ,,
hope sgt sgt,,hbgn FNS berkekaln,,,wlaupon ktorg brjauhn pde stu mse nnty,,, :)
heee,,,okelahh,,smpi sni je,,nty ade mse,,i will update a new entry,,, enjoy reading it! k bye! assalamualaikum,,


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